Useful Bible Studies > 1 Samuel Commentary > chapter 18

Saul’s fear of David becomes worse

1 Samuel 18:28-30

Now that David had married Saul’s daughter, David had become Saul’s relative. However, Saul’s attitudes towards David did not improve.

1 Samuel 18:28-29 is similar to 1 Samuel 18:12. Saul was still afraid of David. In fact, now Saul was even more afraid than he had been before. The reason was the same: God was with David.

When Saul chose on purpose to oppose God, he made God his enemy (15:26). At that time, God decided that he would appoint David to be king instead of Saul (15:28).

Saul was first jealous of David (18:9), and afterwards Saul became afraid. Saul could see that he was already losing power over his own country (18:8). At the same time, David was gaining power (18:13-16).

Saul always showed a strong desire to control people. Now, however, he could not even control the members of his own family. Two of them, Jonathan and Michal, were clearly on David’s side. In fact, everyone in Israel and Judah was pleased with David (18:16). Saul alone was opposing him.

If Saul had supported David, Saul too would have been pleased with David. David was carrying out his tasks in Saul’s army well. David led his soldiers well, and he acted wisely. On behalf of Saul, David was fighting against Philistia’s army, which had always been Saul’s most important enemy (9:16; 14:52). Saul now had a capable commander, David, who was fighting Saul’s battles for him. However, Saul hated David.

Next part: Jonathan warns David about Saul (1 Samuel 19:1-3)


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