Useful Bible Studies > 2 Corinthians Commentary > chapter 3

We see the glory of the Lord, and it changes us

2 Corinthians 3:18

God’s Holy Spirit is working in the lives of his people in an astonishing way. He is changing them; he is making their character and attitudes like his own. That is a very wonderful thing - but especially for people, who formerly were evil and enemies of God*.

This wonderful thing happens only because of Jesus. We see the glory of the Lord, Paul writes; and it changes us. When Paul writes about ‘the Lord’, he usually means Jesus. That is the meaning here too, as 2 Corinthians 4:6 shows. ‘Glory’ means his splendid and beautiful character. Of course, we do not now see Jesus with our eyes, but with our hearts, mind and spirits.

Also, he does not change our bodies yet - but that will happen in the future*. He changes our hearts, minds and spirits. He changes our inner thoughts, our character and our attitudes.

God is making his people more like Jesus, his Son. In the future age he will adopt them as his children*. They will share his glory*.

In Exodus chapter 34, Moses saw the glory of God for a short time. Afterwards, his face was shining with light because of God’s glory. He covered his face because people were afraid to see it.

God’s people now have true freedom. They do not even need to cover their faces when they see the glory of the Lord. That can be their constant experience. That glory enters their lives. Once they were very unlike Jesus in their thoughts, attitudes and actions. Now, however, they too are starting to show his wonderful character through their own lives. That process will continue until God has completed his work in their lives*.

Next part: Why we must teach the Bible in an honest manner (4:1-2)


* See complete article for these Bible references.

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