Useful Bible Studies > Romans Commentary > chapter 8

The power of God's Spirit to give life

Romans 8:11

In this world, nothing seems to us so final as death is. New living people, plants and animals can only come from those that are already alive. That natural process of new life has continued since God first created those things - but death ends that process. Nothing in this world can cause anything that is dead to live again.

God’s people believe that God can make dead people live again (4:17). We ask how he can do that. For us, it is not just a matter of interest. We know that we too must die. In fact, the natural processes that cause death are already working in our bodies.

It is not just physical death that affects us. Our desires, feelings and actions are so often wrong. We know that God’s judgement is therefore against us (2:1-11). What we consider the natural behaviour of our bodies (Mark 7:20-22) is bringing death to our spirits (6:23).

Clearly, we need God to act powerfully to save (rescue) us. He acted with the most astonishing power when, by his Spirit, he caused the dead body of Jesus to live again. It is the special work of God’s Holy Spirit to give life. We very much need the kind of life that comes from the Holy Spirit.

It is impossible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit (8:9). When we invite Christ into our lives, his Spirit also enters our lives (1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Corinthians 12:3). His Spirit shows us how to live in the way that God approves of. So instead of death in us, we are already starting to receive the life that the Holy Spirit gives. That is just the beginning of the wonderful things that God is doing in our lives (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). What God has begun, he will complete (Philippians 1:6; Romans 8:14-18).

Next part: Our greatest duty is to live as the Holy Spirit directs us (Romans 8:12-13)


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© 2022, Keith Simons.