Useful Bible Studies > Songs of Ascent Commentary

Last part: Psalm 124


Psalm 124

A lesson from Psalm 124

God has saved his people in the past; and that is wonderful. But it is not enough to know that God did such things for your parents or grandparents. Their troubles were then, and your troubles are now. So you need to see that God saves people now, in the present day and age.

God saves other people; that is also wonderful. We hear what God has done for other people. And that helps us to know that God will do the same things for us. But if God only saves other people and not us, then that is not enough. We each need the personal knowledge and experience that God saves us.

David knew that God had saved his nation. But David also knew that God had saved David himself. You can see that in passages like Psalm 18, Psalm 51, and Psalm 62.

There are some people who only want God to save them from their troubles in this world. But that too is not enough. A person may have few troubles in this world, but the devil remains that person’s master. Such a person has much worse troubles than he ever imagined. He must not suppose that he will go to heaven. His punishment in hell is certain.

But God wants to save people; and he wants to save them completely. God wants to make free each person who is a slave of the devil. God wants to forgive each person, whether that person’s evil deeds are few or many. When God saves, he changes a person’s life completely.

Next part: Psalm 124 as poetry

See the word list for explanation of words with a *


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© 2015, Keith Simons.